
What you have to do for INCL Registration

First of all, you have to register on the web site, after which you get a confirmation message from us and this message comes to you on the mail, if the message has come on your mail, then you have been registered. You can also get a call from us through WhatsApp message or text message, this call comes to you from our number 9310731593

You have to go to the trial with your Aadhar card and 2 photos, it is necessary to bring Aadhar card

No player will be allowed to appear in the trial without white dress.

In trial you are required to come in 100% white dress

In the trial, you have to bring your own insect bag and bet but if you are not a pest or bet then you will be given late in the trial, you will get all the same from us

The time of arrival in the trial is before 10 am, after that you will not be taken under

After the trial, the result of the selection will be given to you in 24 hours through what's app.

You can also get the offline form from the website here, which you have to submit from home or you can also get it from there.